Auction Terminology
Auction block
The area the auctioneer will sell from. This is usually a raised platform or podium. When items are sold they are said to “cross the auction block.
A licensed professional who has been taught to sell by the auction method.
Bid number or bid card
Registration card with a number on it assigned to the bidder for the day. This card is used to complete bids at a live auction.
A person registered to bid at the auction.
Buyer's premium
A fee charged by the auction company to the bidder. This may be a percentage of the bid price or a flat fee. 5% Cash, 8% Cards
Box lot
A box full of merchandise. These are sold by the box.
Bull pen
Area where the auction staff secures smaller purchases.
Person who is recording the auction sales of what was sold, the consignor and the buyer.
Clerking sheet
Used by the auction clerk to record the items sold.
Person or entity that consigns the items to the auctioneer / auction company for auction.
Area used for display of merchandise and conduct the auction.
A lot can be either a single item or multiple items. Each lot is assigned a number by the auction clerk.
Space of time to allow prospective bidders to inspect the items to be sold.
Helps the auctioneer secure and find bids; Will also hold items up for display during the auction.
Items that can be carried single handedly, typically glassware and collectibles.
Flagstaff Auctions is proud to be part of Ponderosa Services which offers a wide variety of services in Flagstaff and the surrounding area.